Animal Control NYC Solar Panel Protection Against Wildlife in Roselle Park, NJ
Are you tired of having to pay for roof damages every year because of rodents or birds nesting under your solar panels? Consider installing Solar Panel Critter Guards, Animal Control NYC has been serving the NY area for 20 years.
A number of animals in New York and New Jersey are frequent invaders at homes and businesses. Animal Control NYC not only can help you inspect your solar panels for animal damage, but also remove any unwanted animals like sparrows, pigeons, rodents and other types of wildlife in Roselle Park, NJ. The gap between solar panels and a roof offers just one more place for them to get into. If you are in Roselle Park, NJ and want to discuss our solar panel critter guards installations for your property or business, call us 646-741-4333 today.
Mice can poses a danger to your solar panels. They breed quickly and nesting on your roof can provide them easy access to the inside of your home through small openings, potentially leading to a whole-house infestation. Mice also pose a fire danger, if they begin to gnaw and chew on the wiring of the solar panel.
Animals that chew or bump against wiring and electrical components can cause wires to become disconnected, weakened, or severed. This reduces the efficiency of the system and might require wire or panel replacement. This begins to become costly overtime. The wildlife can completely deactivate solar panels by destroying the wiring system that connects the panels to the power system. Inspect your solar panels today with Animal Control NYC solar panel services in Roselle Park, NJ.
Consisting of stainless steel spikes in variable measurements, bird spikes make it harder for a bird to land on a surface. We install the spikes around the solar array’s framing to help prevent birds from landing on, and potentially scratching, the panels. Animal Control NYC also offers SolaTrim for larger rodents such as opossums, squirrels and raccoons, and our high-quality mesh for smaller critters like mice, rats, and chipmunks.
We can help get rid of wildlife from your office buildings, garages, cafes, parking lots, warehouses, businesses, and other properties in Roselle Park, NJ. Animal Control NYC solar panel services are available in Roselle Park, NJ to all residential areas and commercial properties.
Underneath solar panels there is an opening that creates a nice habitat that’s protected from the weather and offers convenient open areas to get in. For estimates on solar panel prevention installations call 646-741-4333. If there is a nearby food source the pigeons will nest on your roof. Rodents may look for further ways into the home, once they have nested on the roof. Animal Control NYC can help you get rid of the wildlife nesting under your solar panels and prevent future invasions with solar panel critter guards.